
Posts Tagged ‘Kimbo Slice’

Why Don’t We Share?

June 6, 2008 5 comments


For the past few weeks, I have been thinking about why we don’t share the gospel.  I have come to the conclusion that Christians aren’t that excited about it.  When you look at what drives movements and revolutions, it is usually the excitement and energy of the people who are involved. For evidence, just look at the Obama campaign, civil rights movement, and Kimbo Slice (lol).  People were excited and they started telling folk and the word spread.  When I am excited about something I tell everybody that I think would benefit from hearing me.  In the book of Acts, the gospel spread like wild fire to many races, ethnicities, and nations within a very short period of time.  People were willing to die just to share what they heard about Jesus.  So why are we not excited?

Maybe we don’t truly understand what we believe?

Maybe we don’t truly believe what we understand?

I am not sure what do you think?